You can help us save on fees and make sure that we receive 100% of your monthly donation by switching to Zeffy! Other payment processors charge fees, which hurt our ability to conduct this vital research. The process for switching over involves canceling your current subscription and starting a new one with Zeffy. Here is the procedure:

Step 1: 

Navigate to your email inbox and find a receipt for your monthly subscription. The subject line reads “Foregen Donation” followed by your donation number.

Step 2: 

In the email message, you will find a section titled “Manage Subscriptions”. In it, there is an option to “Cancel your subscription”.

Step 3:

Navigate to and click the green ‘DONATE’ button. It doesn’t matter which tier you select. 

Step 4:

On the Zeffy page, select ‘Monthly donation’ and enter your desired amount.

Step 5: Select your preferred payment method and then click the blue ‘Donate’ button. The process is now complete!

By supporting Foregen, you’re helping to pioneer the world’s first regenerative medicine solution for circumcised men! With this zero-fee payment processor, now 100% of your donation will reach us, maximizing the impact of your generous contributions. We thank you sincerely for your support.